I'm a little nervous about writing about this one as I fear it might be a little bit of a pot-boiler, but discrimination is a rather heavy topic not just in Paganism but in so many aspects in the world. There's too many forms of discrimination to even be able to write about in a single blog post, so I'm going to focus on one that has troubled me the most as of late.
Please know that I don't expect everyone to agree with me but please don't flame me. And please also know that what I'm about to say is not meant to bash or to flame anyone either though I worry I might come across that way.
A very large controversy within the Pagan community of late was brought about by a ritual that was protested at PantheaCon. I know, I know. I can already hear the groans. Mind you, I was not there, but what I have read about it has disturbed and saddened me very deeply.
Basically, I don't agree with what happened at PantheaCon. I don't agree with someone who's going to hold a women-only ritual and then insist that transwomen are not allowed. I fully agree with and respect a ritual designed to help a woman heal and what not, but cis women aren't the only women who need healing. So much of what transgender people go through simply because they have the nerve to try to become the opposite gender of what they were born is appalling! Come on! Look at the huge rabble-rousing that happened when Chaz Bono was on "Dancing With The Stars". That got the One Million Moms group up in arms with a huge twist in their knickers!
So when this issue arose at PantheaCon and I saw that the ritual was announced as a healing ritual for women, I initially was pissed that it was being protested. Why the hell would ANYONE protest a ritual like that? Then I saw that while it advertised being for ALL women, Z Budapest's definition of "all women" was narrowed only to those who was actually born with a vagina.
So am I to understand that transwomen don't count as women? Really?
I have had the privilege of being acquainted with a transwoman; we'll just call her K. She is a very dear friend of one of my dear friends named Lyra. She is planning on having her surgery soon, but to look at her? I can't tell that she ever was a man. When I first started getting acquainted with K, she was introduced to me as a woman. I saw pictures of her she looked like a woman. She had the figure of a woman, her face was soft-looking and feminine and she just had that VERY FEMININE energy about her. So when we first became friends on LiveJournal and I started finding out more about her, I was actually very surprised to find that she was born as a man.
I seriously had to process that information for a bit. I mean, I can't say that she's the prettiest woman I've ever seen, but that had nothing to do with it. She just looked so much like a woman that I just couldn't wrap my head around the fact that, genetically, she wasn't.
Hell, my friend who introduced us has even told me that K is even more girly than she is! Despite the fact that she currently has the male equipment between her legs, K is VERY MUCH a woman.
So when I saw the uproar about PantheaCon and I found out more about the protest (my most detailed information came from Lupa's LiveJournal as she was actually there for the protest; you can read her account of it at Lupa's LiveJournal if you haven't already) I found myself feeling very disgusted and, quite honestly, angry.
I pictured K being there at PantheaCon and being barred from a ritual that, by rights, she should have been able to participate. But no, instead, she would have been rebuffed because she made the mortal sin of being born with a penis. Do not misunderstand me, K was not there. It was just crossing my mind what she would have gone through had she been there and wanting to attend that ritual.
K has been through A LOT. You KNOW that it cannot be an easy thing to feel in your heart and soul that you were born into the wrong gender when you feel so deep down to the marrow that you were supposed to be the opposite. I really cannot even imagine how hard that must be. I'm a female, was born that way, and I have no gender dysphoria of feeling that I should be a man. No, it's not easy being a woman, but at least I already am and don't have to go through any changes to become what I feel I am.
This is the battle that K and so many other transgender people are going through. And, on top of that, there's the psychological and emotional damage that can occur when people find out. Some transgender people have also suffered physical violence because of this. I really can't even find the appropriate enough words to try to convey what these people go through.
And then here you have Paganism which, though I know it's not perfect, is supposed to be far more accepting of people and their differences. I know that the Dianic tradition is almost entirely female-biased and I don't mean that insultingly. I can respect the Dianics for bolstering the power of women, for healing them of wrongs that have been done, etc. I really can. But what I cannot personally respect is when a Dianic ritual excludes transwomen from participating.
To quote Lupa: I have absolutely no problem with cis-women-only rituals. What I
have a problem with is when a ritual that is purported to be for "all
women" or, in the case of Z's ritual, "the beauty and grace of the
feminine form in all of her infinite variety", is limited to cis
women only. This exclusion of trans women from rituals stated to be for
ALL women invalidates trans women's identities AS WOMEN. It is NOT
enough that trans people have their own trans-centric rituals and
spaces, though these have great value to many trans people.
"Transgender" is not a third sex separate from "men" and "women". A
transgender woman is a woman, and if your ritual is specifically stated
to be for ALL women, then you need to include ALL women, cis and trans.
I find that statement, "the beauty and grace of the
feminine form in all of her infinite variety", to be very oxymoronic. If this ritual was for that, then by locking out transwomen, that is saying that the beauty and grace of the feminine form is not so infinite, thereby locking the Goddess into a box. They're saying that, though transwomen identify as female, there's no possible way that the Feminine Divine could be shown through them. Why? Because they have a penis.
This quote by Z Budapest herself on Anya Kless' blog about the Lilith Rite last year basically says that very thing: “This struggle has been going since the Women’s Mysteries first
appeared. These individuals selfishly never think about the following:
if women allow men to be incorporated into Dianic Mysteries,What will
women own on their own? Nothing! Again! Transies who attack us only care about themselves. We women need our own culture, our own resourcing, our own traditions. You
can tell these are men, They don’t care if women loose the Only
tradition reclaimed after much research and practice ,the Dianic
Tradition. Men simply want in. its their will. How dare us
women not let them in and give away the ONLY spiritual home we have! Men
want to worship the Goddess? Why not put in the WORK and create your
own trads. The order of ATTIS for example,(dormant since the 4rth
century) used to be for trans gendered people, also the castrata, men
who castrated themselves to be more like the Goddess. Why are we the
ONLY tradition they want? Go Gardnerian!Go Druid! Go Ecclectic! Filled
with women, and men. They would fit fine. But if you claim to be one of
us, you have to have sometimes in your life a womb, and overies and MOON
bleed and not die. Women are born not made by men on operating tables.“
I find such a statement to be .... just...... so disheartening. To view the desired allowance of transwomen into a women-only ritual as though it's this big conspiracy of the male gender to take over "the only spiritual home they have" is just flat-out preposterous.
It is here that I must quote my earlier-mentioned friend, Lyra, which she wrote on her LJ: "I think everyone here knows that, in my opinion, genitalia does not
equal gender. Just because a person is born with a vagina doesn't make
them a woman, and being born with a penis doesn't make you a guy. If you
identify as a woman, then you are a woman--there is no question of that
in my mind. This is actually such a firmly held belief of mine, that I
find it hard to understand how or why someone would think otherwise.
Wicca (as I understand it) is comprised of female practitioners. The
disclaimer in all of this is I am not Wiccan, nor do I know much about
Dianic Wicca. So, then, I don't understand why a transwoman would be
turned away from attending a public event that is for Dianic Wiccans.
Transwomen are women, and they aren't any less of a woman than someone
born with a vagina is. Why then would they be excluded for an event
that's for women?
Perhaps my view of this comes from interaction
with a few different transwomen. Their energy is incredibly feminine--I
can't say I've ever met a transwoman (either IRL or online--and I've
been around them both ways) who had any masculine energy. And since
witchcraft (and/or Wicca) works with energy, I have a really hard time
understanding why a woman--any woman--would be barred from such an event. Especially when they have such feminine energy."
That last statement throws it all into perfect relief. Transwomen do not have a masculine energy. K does not have any masculine energy. To look at her you would think she was born a female. I definitely thought she was until I read otherwise. Again, you might remember me mentioning my surprise?
In my personal opinion, I think transgender people are a perfect lesson in the energies of the gods and goddesses and how genetic gender is not a factor in how their energies can work through us.
To see someone like K be able to so beautifully embody the Feminine Divine despite the genitalia she was born with just goes to show that, unlike Dianics like Z Budapest, the Goddess is no respecter of gender and that she is quite capable of working through the genetic male or female who wishes to tap into the feminine powers.
Same goes for the masculine. Chaz Bono has such a masculine energy despite the fact that he was born into a female body. When I look at Chaz, I see someone who has a definite masculine energy and I can still see some of the feminine energy working through. But that's just me. Whether anyone else sees the touch of the feminine working through, Chaz Bono is quite obviously a man. Genetic gender doesn't matter.
Earlier I mentioned Anya Kless' blog to which Z had made her reply. You should really read the whole thing. She is a priestess of Lilith and she offered some wonderful views in regards to the Lilith Rite at last year's PantheaCon where transwomen were also turned away. So were men, but many people had showed up to the Lilith Rite without any indication that it was desired to be a women-only event.
All in all, I have no quarrel with there being gender-specific rituals and events such as men-only or women-only. I view those times as no different than there being boys- and girls-nights-out. Those times of ritual and fellowship can be a very sacred and much-needed time of just bonding with those of the same gender.
What I disagree with is the discrimination and exclusion of transgender people. As I said, it's already hard enough on them that they can't identify with their genetic gender, it makes it even worse when those of the gender they do identify don't accept them either.
They need to be loved, accepted, and welcomed amongst their sisters and brothers. It doesn't matter what gender they are genetically or what gender they see themselves as. They DESERVE to be welcomed among those of their perceived gender, they DESERVE to be safe and loved.
I fully believe that there must be a happy medium found.
I do understand that there were some people at this year's rite who have been victims of rape and abuse who felt that they would not be comfortable with seeing a woman in there with a penis. I do understand that, believe it or not. However, I do not feel that that is a good enough reason to make transwomen pay for the crimes put upon them by men. I do not feel that that is any excuse to treat transwomen as though they're not real women.
I saw one blog post by this woman who had attended the ritual and I wish for the life of me I could remember where it was I'd seen it, but basically she was a survivor of rape and abuse and, as aforementioned, she was one who was not comfortable with the idea of seeing a penis present in the ritual. Bless her, but I wanted to cry for her because even as she wrote out her feelings, she expressed feeling so terrible for even feeling that way. This poor woman still has a lot of healing needed. Just reading her words made it quite apparent that she has a lot of wounds and scars to work through.
To quote my friend Lyra again: "On the topic of the whole rape/abuse thing...I would think being
surrounded by women, yet having THAT present could be healing. It could
show them that not everyone who has that intends to use it to harm
people, plus it could get them used to being around that again."
I very much agree with that. However, I also understand that some women such as the one I mentioned might not be ready for such a step. I very much understand that.
So what solution might there be for a happy medium where all can be comfortable and where transwomen would not be excluded?
Perhaps at some point it could be arranged for there to be two Healing Women rituals planned. One for those that are like the woman above who just can't yet handle seeing a penis and then one for all women INCLUDING transwomen. I mean, why not? It could be done and I personally think it needs to. Transwomen should not be excluded, for they may need healing just as much as the rape and abuse victims. Hell, that's not even really the correct way to word it, for I know that there are transwomen who ARE victims/survivors of rape and abuse. They need healing too and I cannot agree with anyone or anything that would flat-out deny them that healing just because, again, ZOMG! they committed the unforgivable sin of being born with man-parts.
So, yeah. Those are my thoughts on this particular topic of discrimination. I don't believe in discrimination period. I find it all to be unnecessary and disheartening, but somehow it just hits closer when I see members of the Pagan community doing such.
I don't expect everyone to agree with me. All I ask is that if you have a differing opinion, please voice it in a civil manner. Believe it or not, being flambe'd was not exactly on my itinerary today. LoL
3 more posts, including this one, and I'll be current on the PBP ^_^
I liked the questions that were presented with this topic suggestion and it gives me the opportunity to discuss a little about when I did my dedication to Brighid.
Myself, I've always wanted the opportunity to learn under the instruction of a coven. I've never really had the chance to, unfortunately, but that's another post for another time.
In a traditional coven, the time that a dedicant must spend as a student is a year and a day before they can be officially initiated as a member of the coven. I'm not sure of the beliefs of other people, but to my mind there is a difference between dedication and initiation.
As I stated before, a dedication is done to symbolize one's commitment to take upon themselves the task of learning all they can about their chosen path, learning how to practice, etc. Initiation is more a ceremony that recognizes that one has obtained and earned their right to take their place among a coven, whether it's because they finished their year and a day or that they've been able to show that they possess enough knowledge and skill elsewhere to be able to join the coven as an official member.
Now, where the question of initiation comes to light is where it concerns solitaries. I've seen some argue quite vehemently that there's no such thing as self-initiation, that you can only be initiated if it's being done with a coven.
I, personally, do not agree with that viewpoint. Initiation, much like dedication, is an important symbolic rite of passage. Dedication shows the commitment to begin and progress along your path; initiation shows the commitment to keep progressing and finding things to learn even after you've passed the basics and it shows that you've earned the right, basically, to call yourself a full-on witch.
That's not exactly how I wanted to put it, but I'm not quite sure how else to word it. I hope my choice of words doesn't offend anyone.
Whether someone is in a coven or is a solitary practitioner, if they've put the time and effort to learn and practice and grow, they have every right to go through their initiation. For some, such as myself, it's not always possible to be involved in a coven or even a circle, so solitaries have just as much a right to perform a self-initiation to recognize and celebrate their achievements as a dedicant. They've earned the right to obtain that initial degree status if it's something that's important to them.
Anyway, getting back to the real topic at hand: A dedication is a beautiful ceremony. Whether it's committing oneself to the Pagan path or dedicating oneself to a specific Deity, it's a poignant and beautiful rite of passage. Committing oneself to the path of the Goddess is no small thing and it's no small task. Unfortunately for myself, I've not been able to put as much into it as I would like, but I'm still determined that that will change.
I did my dedication to my matron Goddess, Brighid, close to a year ago. It wasn't overly grandiose -- I didn't have many supplies to work with, but I know that didn't matter to Her. Brighid isn't exactly a grandiose Goddess Herself and I think she appreciates people making do with what they have available. What comes from the heart is what matters the most. I lit candles to celebrate the Esbat (this was on the Flower Moon last year) dedicated myself to Brighid, expressing my love for Her, my promise to keep Her in my heart, and to try to keep growing in my spirituality so that I could better serve Her. As I previously said, I haven't been able to do as much as I've wanted, but now that life is really starting to settle down into better stability, I think I'll be able to. I know She hasn't held it against me. Always, I've felt Her patience and love, ready to encourage my progress as soon as I take the step to begin again.
One thing I want to do to further myself is to enroll again in WitchSchool.com and to try to complete the lessons, both on the site and in the 1st Degree book I got from them to
So, those are my thoughts on dedications and initiations as well as where I stand in the overall scheme of things. I apologize if I've repeated myself too much.
I fell in love with candles as a teenager before I ever knew of Paganism. I was given my first candle set for Christmas in 2000 by my brother's in-laws when we went to Florida to visit for the holidays. He must have told them I liked purple. The candle was purple and came with a wooden shade box that had purple-shaded windows that looked like it was covered with purple tissue paper (which, obviously, it wasn't, but it looked cool). When I got back home to Colorado and unpacked it from my travel case, I burned that candle incessantly. I liked lighting it as I went to bed and lay there in the dark watching the light dance through the shade box (of course, I would blow it out when I felt that I could go to sleep).
That following Valentine's Day, my mother gave me a Gardenia-scented votive with a votive holder that comprised of a glass round-bottom cup made to look like the glass was cracked that sat in a metal holder.
Yes, I was effectively hooked. To this day, I can't go through a mall without going through the Yankee Candle Company and smelling all the candles. It's hard to leave a WalMart without snagging another 7-Day container candle (hey, they're only $5!). I love scouring through thrift stores to see what kinds of candle holders they possess (I gleefully came home once from a thrift store I did some volunteering at last year with a bird cage-style votive holder that has a rose on it for like $3 -- that one sits on my altar as my Brighid candle-holder that I like to use for my Flamekeeping shifts).
I absolutely adore candles so, naturally, they are something I include in my rituals. Yeah, I know. Big shock there. I can't actually think of any Pagan I know who doesn't use candles.

I love the ways that candles can be incorporated into Paganism. Really, the only limit to the use of candles is the limit that our imaginations provide. Rituals, candle magick, using them in cleansing our houses/apartments, using them in the bathroom while we take a ritual bath, using them for meditation, even using them as a simple, witchy decoration around the house, the list goes on and on. It's amazing how integral to our lives candles can be.
Continuing in my catching up with the Pagan Blog Project:
The first Pagan chant I ever heard is a long-time favorite of mine which I mentioned in my blog post about Brighid. Before then whenever I'd read about chants, like how to incorporate them into ritual or I'd see the lyrics for a chant, I was still left going "?????". I didn't know what a Pagan chant comprised of. I had very vague knowledge of Buddhist chants, I knew of Gregorian chants, which I am very fond of, but Pagan chants? That was something I had absolutely no clue.
I first heard Libana's "The Earth The Air The Fire The Water" over a year ago and I absolutely fell in love with it. So simple and yet so vividly beautiful. Like I said in my last post, it has that haunting beauty that reminds me of being in a richly lush forest.
Another favorite (and I have yet to meet any Pagan that doesn't favor this) is "We All Come From The Goddess". I have many more favorites, including my absolute most favorite CD at this time, "Moon Chants" by Marie Bruce.
Not only are the songs and chants absolutely soothing and beautiful, they are also aligned to the seasons of the year and in the insert there are suggestions as to what part of ritual they could be included.
I've yet to use any chants in ritual unless it's for background music, but I'd like to at some point.
I love the energy that chanting brings. Of all Pagan music, chants are my favorite, though I also love regular pagan music like Kellianna and Jenna Greene. Jenna, on her most recent album "Wild Earth Child" has the most BEAUTIFUL song to Brighid that I've ever heard and it is entitled "Brigid".
"Brigid" by Jenna Greene
You can listen to it and read the lyrics at that link. It is a GORGEOUS song and I highly recommend Jenna's music.
All in all, I absolutely adore Pagan music, especially chants. As I said, I love the energy that they bring and how they connect me to the Divine and allow me to express my love for them. Much like Christians like having their worship music, so does this Busy Pagan.
Ugh. I know this is ridiculously late but one again, I'm trying to get caught up on my PBP blogs.
The topic I have chosen should come as no surprise to those who know me as 1: Brighid is my matron Goddess and 2: The 2nd week of the B's came right before Imbolc, Brighid's sacred day. At this point, Imbolc has already happened and, unfortunately, I wasn't really able to do much of anything to honor her except to pray. Many of my Pagan items ended up getting left behind when we moved (along with many other things). I had no candles to light (which also doesn't help when my day for Flamekeeping comes up) and nothing to really work with.
What I did, however, even if it wasn't much, I found myself remembering when Brighid first made me aware of Her call. I'd known of her for several years and she has long been one of my most favorite deities. However, I had many years where, though I had several that I favored, I did not feel that call that beckoned me to dedicate to any one particular deity. A little more than a year ago I was working at a call center. I'd brought my MP3 player to work with me so I could listen to it on my breaks. I was trying to get into a habit of meditation which, admittedly, has yet to really take.
I was listening to one of my most favorite chats, "The Earth The Air The Fire The Water" by Libana on one of my breaks. When I closed my eyes to meditate, it didn't take long for images to present themselves.
Here's what I originally wrote about it in my LJ:
I bring my MP3 player to work with me for [meditation]. The day
before yesterday I meditated here for the first time. I put my
headphones in and put my favorite chant on repeat (the one that I
posted a video for the other day).
Whenever I hear this chant [the chant by Libana that I mentioned earlier], it
evokes images of a misty, magickal forest to me. Almost like what
you'd see in the wilds of Washington state. Leafy greens, ferns, and
moss everywhere. Everything the eye meets is lush and green. The mist
that rolls silently through the trees have a vivid energy of mystery, if
that makes any sense.
So when I started to meditate with this
music, I went with it. I explored this lush forest, just reveling in
the peace. I could feel the moss and grass beneath my bare feet. I
wanted to dig my toes down into the soil. I remember passing through
the trees, touching every tree that I passed and it almost felt like
they returned my greetings.
Then a surprise was waiting for me.
before I go further, I need to make it clear that I've been thinking of
the goddess, Brighid, a lot lately. She's been one of my most favorite
goddesses, but it's only been recent that I've started to feel this
pull from her.
So in my meditation, as I was going just to see
what I could find, I unexpectedly came upon a woman waiting for me at a
little creek that wound its way through the trees. She was standing in
the water and she beckoned me to her. She had long, curly hair the
color of flames that reached down to her waist. She was dressed in a
simple white dress that reached down to her shins, if I recall
Even as I meditated, I could feel goosebumps raise on
my body and I didn't need to be told who this woman was supposed to be.
Brighid. No words were spoken between us. She merely took me by the
hand and showed me things in the forest. I don't remember much past
this. I could only focus on her. Her warmth, and the love and kindness
that radiated from her.
When my meditation ended, I remember feeling the expectation from her that I should visit her again soon.
since then, i have been wanting to learn more about Brighid. Though
she is one of my favorite goddesses, I really don't know much about
her. I know what things she represents, how she was made a Catholic
saint, etc. But that was about it.
I started looking up things
about her yesterday on one of my breaks, but I still need to read
more. One thing that I did find interesting was that she has a thing
with rivers and streams. I need to find this tidbit again, but it
mentioned something concerning her that had to do with the rivers of the
Underworld. *facepalm* I feel so idiotic for not remembering better.
But it struck me when I read that part because it was a stream where
Brighid met me in my meditation. It felt like a confirmation that I
wasn't just daydreaming or making anything up.
It brought me comfort at that.
That still remains a very profound memory/meditation for me. I know that how I'd written it out wasn't exactly the most eloquent. Some of it was just really hard to put into words.
Living up to the name, things have been hellaciously busy. So much so that, once again, I'm behind on the 44 Days Of Witchery AGAIN, and I'm uber behind on the Pagan Blog Project. I'm hoping to start catching up on these this weekend *crosses fingers*.
Unfortunately, I'm also behind on my schoolwork :-/ Not good. My goal for today is to start getting caught up on things, but I think I'm going to drop the Creative Writing class for now. I've got so much on my plate right now, it's ridiculous and, really, I should have waited on the CW class anyway until I passed the English Comp I class. *facepalm*
But I desperately need to get caught up in ECI and my Paralegal class.
With how things have been for the past several weeks, I have had a serious lack in motivation and have had to battle depression quite a bit. It's not like things have been all bad. But there's been quite a lot that has. A few days after I posted my last blog post on here, I had a huge falling out with my family that we were living with >.< Which has resulted in us moving out from that house and living in a hotel again for a couple weeks. Thankfully, we were able to move in to an apartment which I absolutely LOVE and then thereafter the time has been spent trying to get the place furnished.
I think things are finally going to settle down now *knocks on wood*. I really hope so. I can't afford to crash and burn where college is concerned and I DESPERATELY need a huge dose of motivation. Very much so.